Apei desk for the protection of the User
In compliance with art. 2 c. 4 of Law 4/2013, Apei has activated a user guarantee desk with the following tasks:
Inform about the contents of the deontological code, that is, about the rights and duties of the shareholders
Inform about the type of services that are the object of the pedagogist's and educator's activities
Receive reports from Apei member users on the actions deemed incorrect by pedagogues and educators
Instruct the internal practice in case of reports of violations of the code of ethics towards the shareholders.
The desk is also committed to resolving any disputes between the professional and the user, as required by article 2, paragraph 4, of Law 4/2013 and by art. 27 / TEr of the Consumer Code
The counter to protect the user can be reached by telephone at the address 3297309309 or by filling out the form below.
To report behaviors deemed inappropriate by an Apei pedagogist or educator member, you must send a signed report via email to the address presidency@apei.it or by fax at 081.19722889.
Anonymous reports will not be considered.